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5 Effective Methods to Earn 100$ a month from

Hi all again , here I will reveal the secret of earning thousands of dollars on PopAds .
As you know PopAds is a premium pop under advertising network which is paying very high rates and amount of income by just placing Pop Under ads on your site .
which may a Result in High amount of Revenue

See : How to find keywords for your next blog post - The Best Popunder Adnetwork
But the difficult thing is here , when one comes with full hope in heart and gets Low revenue from Popads, yeah , its not easy as it seems , it don't even matters if you have thousands of daily visits a day ..

Then How to earn 10$ a day from PopAds ?

Yes, if its not so good .. then why should we use it anymore ? and how could others are earning hundred dollars a day from ads ?

Its difficult but its not impossible . You can also make 100$ a month or even 100$/day from Popads , Now what are the requirements ?
Following is the Most Effective and working real deals that make 100 $ s / day - The Best Popunder Adnetwork
1 ]
Bounce Rate of your Site :
The Most effecting factor is Bounce Rate of your site , so when would its better ?
Bounce Rate is the rate of Time of your visitors on your site in simple . its average Time of your visitors Spended on your site/blog . Actually Bounce rate is the performance or lookup of your visitors toward your site, how your visitors reacts and engage with your site. 

Here is a simple formula:
Higher your visitors will spend Time on your site/blog the lower your site's Bounce Rate goes .The least average visitors spend Time , the High Bounce rate you will have.
So you should always focus on increasing average time of your visitors to get thousands of dollars .
To get best results from Popads , you should have to Lower the Bounce Rate of your site. Most sites related to Downloading like MP3 , Movies, Mp4 etc, sites have Lower Bounce Rate than any other blog .. yes, Blogs may also have Low Bounce rate if it have High CTR .

How to Know Bounce rate of your site ?
Now there are better SEO Tools on the Internet now , you can simply know Bounce Rate of your Site / Blog by simply Searching it on Search Engines . But some best tools are Alexa , Whois and more also , I recommend you to use alexa or Google analytics reports to inspect your queries fast and securely .
Following are the 5 must have tasks you should done for your blog for better Blog Health :

2] Ad placement :
Ads placement is also important to boost your revenue , you should always place them right where user/visitor goes first like headers or between posts .
But while using Popads , you don't need to give any placement , actually the main aim of popads is to get impressions . They don't think of Clicks. It means no matters if you force try users to click anywhere , and As I said in Top also , To Get high income from popads you should Boost your CTR first it means lowering Bounce Rate .
But while using Popads , you should ignore ad placement , don't think anymore about it .

3] InterLinking Other Content :
Yes this also matters most , InterLinking means adding other links to the new article/content . Like adding links of other posts from your Blog/site , the more you link your own content , such as older posts/article , The More your Blog's / Site's CTR goes increasing and then this lowers the Bounce rate quickly . So always Interlink your older posts in new posts to get high CTR and high revenue securely without disturbing Site's Health .

4] Placing 'Related Posts' Widget :
Make sure whenever a visitor ends reading , he should view your latest stuff .
For that you may place Recent posts Widget in your Wordpress or Blogger Blog , in Sidebar , on a side to posts , or may be below the posts . When the users Clicks on your recent or new posts your Blog will get Impressions , and as I said this also increases CTR , which is most important to get some more Extra money from popads . So make sure you have a widget like Popular Posts or Recent posts (It would be Best if both are there)

5] Titles and Headings :
Here it is also a important factor to give you high relevancy .
Titles are most important to Rank High in search engines , they are like drivers of your site . They do best role in attracting visitors .
So you should always be ready to write high impressive Post titles which will attract thousand and lakhs of visitors quickly . It becomes even better for wordpress , which gives full control on your Titles and Heading on search engines also .
Headers and Bold tags also perform good role for SEO , Headers are used to show the frequency of words , Bold tags show something which should be looked first . And search engines also lookup in tags of your posts to Deciede the rank for your page .
So give your concentration on your tags to only show the content which is asked by visitors . Content full of waste stuff may bring your reputation down and lower your ranks .

6] Use A Relevant Ad Marketer :
Using another ad network with Popads will do hallarious work to bring good reports . Using another ad network will be a good idea .
As every Blogger does you should first go on adsense , stay with adsense to get good results , but in case your adsense gets banned or any other reason or may want to earn more than adsense only , then choose Popads . But when popads don't pays extra money you should add another Ad Network along with adsense and popads like
clicksor (I think its not so cool)
Infolinks (maybe good)
Media Net (Ok it is..)
But you should have to choose the right pair as Clicksor Ads are direct redirector sometimes and it looks more stuffy , which may result in so bad .
While Infolinks is same as Clicksor ,
Popads + Infolinks = Not so profit
Here I recommend you to stay with Google adsense community .
Adsense + Popads = Best Results
But if you really need other also then use Qadabra or Rich Media Net . Which may be good combination with Popads .

Thanks for reading and do comment below if you are having any question in mind related to .

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