Hey friends welcome I am here with a new and best trick to Multipost your Post to all Fb Groups without any coding .
Yes today most of facebook tricks work only on coding they only works when you do something more than Sending various Links on facebook but I will Explain you How to post in multiple groups without any code .
Friends when we create a Group or a fb page then the most common Difficult task infront of it , is Making it Full of fans I mean Getting facebook likes to fb page or Getting members to a fb group .
But everyone knows that the best ever place to get visitors to A newly created site or blog is facebook.
Not only for bussiness but for all your works you can only get many visitors by fb only as it is very popular social site and I think is best for Publishing your products .
Also see : All new best facebook tricks of 2015
Now we have decided that facebook is best to get Visits to Every such Link you have posted and if you want to get likes and comments or members to your pages and groups .
So why to wait start posting your products and Bussiness varaities in facebook .
But where to Post on facebook to get visitors ??
Yes this is also a right question when we want to get seen by Other people and I think that Facebook groups are best to post when you want to many Visitors at same time .
Now we get that Facebook groups are best , so Start being in groups of the single variety that we also want to get visitors I mean join those facebook groups which are realted to your topic . And the best Thing of it is it helps people also that what you want .
Ex . If you have created a new fb page of Facebook tricks .then only Join Groups of facebook that are realted to facebook tricks and Hacking etc...
After joining 100s of groups (specially big groups i.e having members above 5000)
Now How to post in this All 100s of groups of facebook in Some seconds ??.
Yes when the owner approves our request to join a group then we becomes a member of it .
But What if we want to post only in selected groups ?
If we search for it then we can get many tricks but all these work by some codes but today wecwill show that secret trick .
So lets start How to post a similar link or post in Multiple or Selected groups of facebook fast .
Note : you should make every Group id like
and in the Bcc field paste this Email type name separating by commas . While using this tricks you should have to add only those facebook group Emails (that we created) that you want to get posted . If you are not in a group then don't add those group emails .