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Latest and best Phishing code of Facebook

Now the latest phishing code of facebook has been added to our blog. To hack any facebook account the best way is by sending the victim a phishing site's Url and after opening it the victim will view a Login page of facebook but it is a fake facebook login page it is also known as Phishing page of facebook . Now most people have known the process to make phishing page but the most hillarous part or its most difficult part is having a good and I think it must be the best phishing code by which victim will login it as always he does ..
but without knowing what is happening the victim will Login with his Email Id and Password and in seconds after the victim clicks on Login button he will get redirected to a fb page and the Email Id and password he used to done that work will come to you by an Email on Your Gmail Account .
so lets give you the phishing code of Facebook Latest and Best of 2014

Latest Facebook phishing code of 2014 best

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