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Creating and securing a strong password

The worlds best social networking site no doubt it.

We use facebook in daily life.

we chat with our friends,share pictures,share videos and many more…

More than 150 crore of people use facebook to be connected with friends.

There are many chances that a person can guess another person's fb password , and can also do anything with that account, he can send spam messages ,spam statuses and can also deactivate that account .

At such time we have to create a secure , secret, unique and strong password.

Every facebook account has a unique Email id, but no matter that the passwords are unique !!

Many people have their best friends or girl friend or other people's name as their fb password.

But our relative or close friends can easily guess It.

our fb password should be case and sensitive.

To change fb passwosd goto

>>settings and privacy


>>change password

Our password must contain not only name or number, but also some specific characters involved in it.

for example:

my name is shantanu so my password should be :

$h@n+@nu39 ,etc.

create a password which we know well, not others. Be safe by securing your accounts.

Staying Safe on Facebook

Here are a few tips to help you

keep your account secure:

*Don't click on suspicious links, even if they come from one of your friends

*Don’t share sensitive information from your Facebook account with other people or websites..

Happy facebooking

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